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Computing Services FAQ

Use of a supercomputer

[Configuration 01]: Japanese fonts are not properly displayed on my computer.

Please configure the SSH client and set the environment variable to LANG as below:

Setting up an SSH client (Windows)
    • In PuTTY(Japanese)

Select ウィンドウ > 変換 > 文字コードの設定, and then select UTF-8.

    • In TeraTerm

In the menu, select 設定 > 端末 > 漢字-受信 and 漢字-送信, and then select UTF-8.

Setting up the environment variable, LANG.
In the case of tcsh
 $ setenv LANG "ja_JP.UTF-8" 
In the case of bash
$ export LANG="ja_JP.UTF-8"

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