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  4. Application Procedures
  5. Procedure to Start the Service

Procedure to Start the Service

When your supercomputer user number is issued, we will send you a Registration Completion Notice by email. Once you receive the Registration Completion Notice, please follow the Procedure to Start the Service described below.
If you have been using our service since the previous year, you are not required to follow these steps.

Flow of the Procedure

When you start the service for the first time, please follow the steps below. On this page, we will describe the following 1 to 4 steps with specific images.Payment managers can start the service with the same procedure. Please replace the "User Number" with the "Payment Manager Number" and the "Approval Notice" with the "Registration Confirmation Notice".

  • Receive the Registration Completion Notice by email and confirm the user number.
  • Request for the "Procedure to Start the Service" from the user portal.
  • Open the one-time URL which is sent to your registered email address and download the Approval Notice and set the password.
  • After that, you can log in to the user portal by the password authentication (Continuously, please set the public key authentication, etc.)

1. Receiving the Registration Completion Notice

We are sending the following email to notify you of the completion of your registration. Although some expressions are omitted, we will send you an email with both English and Japanese text. The user number described in this email will be used to login to the user portal and the supercomputer. Make sure not to forget the password.

Subject: [Supercomputer System of Kyoto University] Registration Completion Notice (FY20xx)
From: User Portal of Supercomputer System of Kyoto University
The registration of your supercomputer account has been completed.
You can start the service by downloading the Approval Notice and setting the password
from the following URL. User number: b59999 URL of the Procedure to Start the Service: https://web.kudpc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/portal/...omitted If you publish a paper or other publication of the research results which you have obtained
using our supercomputer, please report it in the manner described at the following URL. http://www.iimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/services/comp/apply/report.html Supercomputer System User's Guide https://web.kudpc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/manual/en ---- Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University Supercomputer Systems

2. Request for the Procedure to Start the Service

Access to the User Portal

Start up your web browser and access the URL described in the email of the Registration Completion Notice. Or, from the top page of the User Portal (https://web.kudpc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/portal/), click on the "Procedure to Start the Service" button circled by the red square in the following image.

Request for the Procedure to Start the Service

When the following screen is displayed, enter your user number or payment manager number described in the Registration Completion Notice and the email address which you filled in on your Application Form for Large-Scale Computer Systems. One-time URL for the procedure to start the service will be sent to your email address.

Please note that this procedure is performed online, so it is available only with the email address issued by the institution which you belong. If you have a problem with your registered email address, please contact our office.

The Email of the Procedure to Start the Service

We will notify you of the URL containing a unique long string of characters as follows. The URL is valid for one hour, so if it expires, please repeat the above procedure.

Subject: [Supercomputer System of Kyoto University] Procedure to Start the Service
From: User Portal of Supercomputer System of Kyoto University
This is a notice regarding the Procedure to Start the Service of Academic Center for
Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University. Please click the URL below to proceed with the procedure. Necessary procedure ・ Download of the Approval Notice or Registration Confirmation Notice ・ Password setting [URL] https://web.kudpc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/portal/...omitted.../c2cxwupu6jobyn...omitted * The URL is valid for 1 hour. * If you get an error when connecting, please apply for again. -- Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University. Supercomputer system User portal

3. Procedure to Start the Service

Access the one-time URL described in the email which you received in the above step 2 and download the Approval Noticel or Registration Confirmation Notice. You can set the password after downloading it.

Download of the Approval Notice

When you access the one-time URL, the following screen will open. You can download the Approval Notice (PDF) by clicking on the download button. The registration information and the verification code to be used when you forget the password are described in the Approval Notice. Make sure to keep it safe so that the information will not be leaked to others. You can download it only once on this screen, but you can download it again after you log in to the user portal.

Please refer to the supplementary explanation regarding the service usage at the bottom of the page although it is omitted in the image below.

Password Setting

Then set your password. The password you set here will be the password used for services related to supercomputers.

Completion of the procedure

Once the password setting is completed, the following screen will be displayed. After that, you can log in to the user portal using your user number and the registered password. In the User Portal, you can register your public key which is used in the supercomputer.

4.Access to the supercomputer

Please refer to the web manual of the supercomputer system (User number and the password set in the procedure to start using the service must be entered.) to connect to the supercomputer.


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