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  5. Creating Printing Data on Windows
  6. Creating Printing Data on Windows

Creating Printing Data on Windows

Installing the Printer Driver

Download a printer driver for Windows at the URL below:

In the linked site, choose your language and OS first.

You will see several drivers listed, then click "Driver - Driver Pack", download "HP Designjet and PageWide XL Windows Printer Driver installer."

Installing Virtual Large-Format Printer

The following guides you to install a HP printer driver on Windows 10. When using other Windows OS, you can read Windows 10 as the OS you are using.

Run the downloaded file to start the installation. When the User Account Control screen appears, select "Yes".

After "検出(Detection)" window is displayed, check "プリンタを手動で追加(Add printer manually)" box.

Add printer manually

Select model of "HP DesignJet T1530 PostScript", and click "次へ(Next)".

Next, check "簡単なインストレーション(Easy installation)" and click "次へ(Next)".

Add printer manually

Please wait a moment while the installation .

Add printer manually

Finally, click "終了(Finish)" to complete to install the printer driver.

Printer Settings

The following guides you to setting about HP Designjet T1530ps V4.When using other printer driver, you can read HP Designjet T1530ps V4 as the printer driver you are using.

In the "プリンターとスキャナー(Printer and Scanner)" window, click on the installed printer and click on "管理(Manage)".


Click on "Printer Properties", select "HP DesignJet T1530ps V4" under "ドライバー(Driver) (V)" in the "詳細設定(Advanced)" tab and click "適用(Apply) (A)".


Click on the "全般(General)" tab. Click on "基本設定(Basic Settings) (E)" to open the new "HP DesignJet T1530ps V4印刷の詳細設定(Printing Advanced Settings)".


For the printing paper size, change to "A0"to fit the Printer. Please note that the print data is generated in the size of the paper size, so even if the designed poster is A0 size, if the paper size is set to A4, the print data will be generated in that range.


Upon completion of all necessary settings, click "OK". Now you are ready to use the Large-Format Printer.

Printing with Graphic Design Application

Generates print data (printer file) using the installed virtual printer.

The following guides you to create printing data (printer files) with the virtual printers - Adobe Illustrator and Microsoft PowerPoint.

Printing with Adobe Illustrator 2021

The following uses the Adobe Illustrator 2021 as an example. Read it as the version you use.

Select "プリント"(Print) from "ファイル" (File) in the menu bar.

Adobe Illustrator (2021)の場合

Note that the following is an example. You can choose the settings that fit in the poster you wish to print out.


In "プリンタ(P)", select "HP Designjet T1530ps V4".

In "サイズ(Z)" of "用紙"(Page), when selected "プリンタドライバーで定義"(Defined in Printer Driver), the size selected at the step "Printer Settings" is set.

In "オプション"(Option), you can specify at any scaling details including selection of "プリントするレイヤー"(Layer to Print), "拡大・縮小しない"(No Scaling), and "用紙サイズに合わせる"(Relative to Page).

After setting the necessary printing settings, click "プリント(Print)" to open "ファイルに出力(Print to File)" window. Select a folder, name the file and save it.

Save this printing data in a media device including USB flash memory and CD-R/RW and bring it to the Large-Format Printer Output room.

Printing with Microsoft PowerPoint 2019

The following uses Microsoft PowerPoint 2019 as an example. Read it as the version you use.

Click the "ファイル(File)" and select "印刷(Print) (P)" from the menu.


Note that the following is an example. You can choose the settings that fit in the poster you wish to print out.

For "プリンタ名(Printer name)", select HP DesignJet T1530ps V4

Click "印刷レイアウト(Print Layout)" (in the following picture, check "用紙に合わせて拡大/縮小(Adjust to Paper Size)"box.


Click "OK" in the "印刷(Print)" window to open "ファイルに出力(Print to File)" window.

Select a folder, type the file name and save it.
The file name extension
".prn" is added while the file is saved. Due to the setting or/and version of the print driver, ".prn" may not be added. In such cases, add ".prn" to the end of the file name.

Save this printing data in media device such as a USB flash memory or a CD-R/RW and bring it to the Large-Format Printer Output room.


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