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  6. Application for continued use of the Supercomputer Service

Application for continued use of the Supercomputer Service

The user account of the supercomputer system must be renewed every fiscal year.

The payment manager can apply for the continued use simply by obtaining the "Supercomputer Users List" which lists user name of the current fiscal year by payment item from the "User Portal" and submitting via the "Online Application Form" with "○" on the user name if the user wishes to continue using the supercomputer system in the next fiscal year.

The "Supercomputer Users List" will be available from the "User Portal" from late January every year.

Users who can apply for continued use of the supercomputer service

Users who fall into the followings are NOT eligible for the application for continued use via the users list by the payment manager, and are required to submit the Application Form for Large-Scale Computer Systems after March.

  • Users whose payment item have a change.
  • Users who have a change in their affiliation.


Continuation Procedures Based on the Supercomputer Users List.

The "Supercomputer Users List" is provided only to the payment manager. The payment manager can obtain the list in the following procedures.

1. Access the "User Portal" and login with your payment manager number (uXXXXXXX).

2. After logging in, the following screen will appear. Click on the "Payment manager" button circled in red.

3. Click on "Users list"

4. Click on "Download the Users List (Batch Application Form to contine the service)"

5. Please open the downloaded PDF file, circle the users you wish to continue, and submit the form via the "Online Application Form".

Procedure by "Application Form for Large Scale Computer Systems" (計算機利用申請書)

If you can not apply for continued use by the users list, please submit the "Application Form for Large Scale Computer Systems" (計算機利用申請書).

Submission of "Service Course Application Form"(サービス申請書)

By making an application for continued use via users list, you can continue the user registration as an entry course. If you want to use group course or personal course, it is necessary to submit an "Service Course Application Form" (サービス申請書). Please see the following URL and apply if necessary.


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