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Application Guideline of Collaborative Research Project for Enhancing Performance of Programming for FY 2018 (1st Period)


Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University (ACCMS) calls for proposals of the Collaborative Research Project for Enhancing Performance of Programming for the fiscal year 2018. This project is designed for users of the Group Course or Private Cluster Course (including those who are in application process), as well as the Private Course users who wish to switch to the Group Course at additional calls of this project. The Project Screening Committee will examine whether or not submitted programs meet the eligibility requirements. The programs adopted by the Committee are carried out to enhance the program performance in collaboration with ACCMS. ACCMS bears the cost of program development.

Eligibility and Requirements

    • Applicants must be the fiscal year 2018 users of the Group Course (including the groups in use of Organization Fixed Rate,Joint Usage/Research Center for Interdisciplinary Large-scale Information Infrastructures(JHPCN) or High Performance Computing Infrastructure(HPCI)) or Private Cluster Course (including those who are in application process), as well as the Private Course users who wish to switch to the Group Course at additional calls of this project.
    • The target program to be submitted must be a (potentially) large-scale parallel computation program subject to the following performance enhancement. The program copyright must be owned by the project representative, or it must be modifiable without restriction.
      • Performance tuning by improving program control structures and data structures (including optimization for cache)
      • Performance enhancement by improving parallelization methods (including distributed-memory parallelization of shared-memory programs, and hierarchical parallelization of distributed memory or shared memory)
      • Performance enhancement by improving methods of problem reduction or load distribution
    • Academic and technical achievements must be expected by enhancing the performance using the target program.
    • Non-Japanese citizens such as international students who live in Japan less than six months and Japanese citizens residing in foreign countries may need to obtain an approval. Please see the following URL for details. If applicable, please consult Research Information Section.


      • In March 2018, ACCMS holds a hearing on the target program subject to our screening process. The hearing may be taken place more than once.
      • Adoption of the projects does not ensure the feasibility of improving the program performance.
      • Research and development for improving the program performance should be conducted based on collaboration between ACCMS and the project representative (and the persons concerned).
      • When performance evaluation by executing large-scale parallel program is required on the enhanced program, the project representative may be requested for use of the Large-Scale Job Course on their own expenses.
      • In principle, the copyright of the program, adopted by the Committee and achieved the program enhancement under this project, is jointly owned by the original copyright holder and ACCMS.
      • Project representatives are required to
        • Submit a User Report of the Collaborative Research Project by the end of April, 2019.
        • Present the project achievements at the debriefing session (scheduled around April, 2019) opened to Kyoto University faculty, staff, and students and supercomputer users.
        • Contribute an article of about four pages (A4 size) on the project achievements to the Inter-University Services Bulletin.
        • Please make sure to include the use of this project in the acknowledgment of academic journals or other publications, and to send us the list of document information at the time of publishing the achievements.
          * See examples at Acknowledgement for use of Collaborative Research Project.

Application Procedure

Submission of Application Form is required by email to the Section below.

Deadline: Fri. February 16, 2018 at 5:00 p.m..

Note that the personal information provided in the Form will be used for the application purpose only. After receiving the form, we notify applicants of the program submission method.

「プログラム高度化共同研究申請書(第1期)」(Application Form for Collaborative Research Project for Enhancing Performance of Programming (First Half))PDF | Word *Japanese Version Only

Contact Information

Research Information Section, Information Promotion Division, Information Management and Communication Department, Kyoto University

comp-info*kudpc.kyoto-u.ac.jp(Please replace * with @.)


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