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  3. Accounts and IC Cards
  4. Multi-Factor Authentication
  5. Manuals
  6. Additional Settings

Additional Settings

If you have completed the initial setup using email, you can also use the app.
If you are using the app for the first time, configure it from the multi-factor authentication settings page. When adding an app, you need to configure it to sync with existing apps. The setting method differs depending on whether it is your first time or not. Please refer to the manual appropriate for your purpose and make settings.

  1. First time using the app

  2. Add apps (from second device)

1. First Time Using the App

This is the setup manual for first-time app users. If you have not completed the email-based setup, you will not be able to configure the app using the manual below. Please refer to the "Initial Setup: Mail" manual and complete the initial setup.


  • You usually check the one-time password from your email.

  • You have never installed or set up the app before.

Set up the app on your smartphone

2-1. Additional settings : App/Smartphone

Set up the app on your browser

2-2. Additional Settings : App/Browser

2. Add Apps (From Second Device)

If you want to add the app to another device, you need to synchronize the existing app with the newly added app. The setup method varies depending on the existing app, so please refer to the manual relevant to your usage.


  • You have an app that displays a valid one-time password.

  • You want to add the app to another device.

Add the app to your smartphone

If the app you are currently using is on a smartphone

2-3. Additional Settings: App/Smartphone to Smartphone(pdf)

If the app you are currently using is on a browser

2-4. Additional Settings: App/Browser to Smartphone(pdf)

Add the app to your browser

If the app you are currently using is on a smartphone

2-5. Additional Settings: App/Smartphone to Browser(pdf)
→Please contact us through the inquiry form as it is still under development.

If the app you are currently using is on a browser

2-6. Additional Settings: App/Browser to Browser(pdf)


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