- Accounts and IC Cards
- Acquition, breakage and loss of a IC card
Accounts and IC Cards FAQ
Acquition, breakage and loss of a IC card
After the validity of my former authentication IC card has expired, I reeived a new one.What kind of things should I take care of?
Last updated on 2023-11-07
The information which is soted in your new card was changed. Therefore, please take the following procedures after you receive it.
- When used as University Co-op App / the co-op membership card
- Both IC cards and University Co-op apps are used together.
- Only use the University Co-op app.
- When used as access control system
⇒You can complete the procedure at the Co-op shop with your new IC card.
⇒No formalities are required.
Basically, there is no need to re-register.
However, some buildings may require re-registration, so please contact the department in charge of the relevant system.