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  3. Accounts and IC Cards
  4. Multi-Factor Authentication

Accounts and IC Cards FAQ

Multi-Factor Authentication

Where can I register my email address for notifications?


You can register from the multi-factor authentication system settings page.

Operation Steps

  1. Access the multi-factor authentication system settings page
  2. the three-line menu icon in the upper right corner of the screen after logging in.
  3. Clich " Account Setting "
  4. Delete the e-mail address you see on the page.
    Input your own e-mail address you can login without TOTP .
    Do NOT input Faculty and Staff Mail( KUMail ) (@kyoto-u.ac.jp) !
  5. Click the " 確認メール送信 " button.
  6. If you can confirm receipt of the message with the e-mail address you registered above,
    click the " 更新 " button.
  7. When you see the message " Setting has been completed." ,
    your e-mail address successfully set.

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