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  4. Inbound Email Gateway

Inbound Email Gateway

Designed for FacultyStaff
Note: This service is intended for IT experts.

This service checks for virus spam on incoming mail for servers that operate mail services on KUINS-II, except for those using our email hosting service.


  • Virus spam checking can be performed even on email servers that do not use our mail hosting service

1. Requirements

This service is limited to domains that have been using email with a mail server independently managed under KUINS-II since before November 2023.

We do not accept applications from domains that are not currently using email, so please use "Email Service for Faculty and Staff (KUMail)", "the secondary group (Google Group) in Faculty and Staff Groupware", or "Email Hosting service".

2. Get Started

Please specify the 'domain you wish to use' and the 'destination server' when consulting.


3. How to Use

Please allow connections to port 25/tcp from on the server you wish to receive mail.

Please note that this source network address may change, and in such cases, we will notify the applicant.

4. How is a suspicious message handled?

In May and June 2024, the service will be switched to a new one.

If an email is judged as spam or a virus, it will be rejected and not relayed.
The criteria for determining spam and viruses are not disclosed for security reasons.
Emails from non-existent sender domains will be rejected.

The following features provided by the old service have been discontinued:

    • Judging based on S25R
    • Adding the 'X-Kuins-Spam' header
    • Adding the 'Authentication-Results' header for SPF, DKIM, and DMARC judgments

5. Inquiries

Send inquiries
Please select "KUMail" for the Type of Inquiry.


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