- Networks and Connectivity
- Wireless LAN
Networks and Connectivity FAQ
Wireless LAN
Because of the version up etc of Android OS, the setting might have been changed. If "Use system certificate" has been unavailable, or failture. Please download CA certificate from the following site.
Security Communication RootCA2 Repository "SCRoot2ca.cer".
you are asked to name the certificate when you click the download link. Assign a name as you like and click OK. Then downloading will be finished. Or, you need to download the certificate in your PC first, then save it in SD card. Install it in Android from [Settings > Security > install via SD card(storage)].please select the downloaded "SCRoot2ca.cer" file in CA certificate field when you configure the Wi-Fi connection.
If you cannot connect even after installing the above CA certificate, set the CA certificate to "unspecified" and do not verify the certificate. (However, the connection is less secure)
And enter "kyoto-u.ac.jp" for KUINS-Air or "federated-id.eduroam.jp" for eduroam. For the details of settings, please refer to each Android manual in the Usage section from the below link.