- Learning and Teaching
- Learning Support System (PandA)
Learning and Teaching FAQ
Learning Support System (PandA)
Uploading copies of papers and other materials on PandA as class materials is permitted, except in cases where you would be unfairly harming the interests of copyright holders with the enforcement of Compensation System for Public Transmission for Educational Purposes.
For the scope of the subject matter permitted for class purposes, please refer to "改正著作権法第35条運用指針" https://sartras.or.jp/seido/ of SARTRAS, the designated management association.
Also, about the concept of copyright in online classes in general, please see the page "Copyright in Online Classes" at Teaching Online @ Kyoto U : https://www.highedu.kyoto-u.ac.jp/connect/teachingonline/copyright.php.
For more information on the use of the above system, please contact Education Promotion and Student Support Department through the academic affairs office of the department offering the lecture.