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  3. Current Trouble
  4. 【Supercomputer】Failure of Login Node of System B(already recovered)


Current Trouble

【Supercomputer】Failure of Login Node of System B(already recovered)

publication date : Aug.25, 2017

To: Supercomputer users,

A login node failure had occurred in one (host name: laurel1.kudpc.kyoto-u.ac.jp) out of three login nodes on the System B. The login nodes are implemented by load balancing through DNS round robin, thus you can log in by using a specific host name of the login node. For details on this procedure, please see When the Login Node Failure Occurs.

The system was restored. We apologize for the inconvenience and trouble that you may have had.
Date of occurrence 2017/08/24 18:42 ~2017/08/24 19:13
Inquiry Supercomputing Section, IT Services Division, Information Management Department, Kyoto University
Inquiry Form

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