- Information
- maintenance
- 【Supercomputer】Special Maintenance on the Login Nodes in the System A
【Supercomputer】Special Maintenance on the Login Nodes in the System A
publication date : Oct.24, 2016
Due to an important OS update, the login nodes for System A (camphor1, camphor2) will be suspended as below:
- Date and time: 9:00 a.m. on October 25 (Tue) - 10:00 a.m.
- Service to be suspended: camphor2.kudpc.kyoto-u.ac.jp
- Date and time: 13:00 a.m. on October 25 (Tue) - 14:00 a.m.
- Service to be suspended: camphor1.kudpc.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Note: your running jobs are not stopped.
Since two login nodes will be suspended by turns, you can login to the supercomputer system by the alive node.
However, your session to the node being suspended will be disconnected.
You can check the node you login by the "hostname" command.
If your session is disconnected, start the session again specifying "camphor.kudpc.kyoto-u.ac.jp".
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in advance.
The maintenance work has been successfully completed.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
Period | 2016.10.25 09:00 ~2016.10.25 14:00 |
Range affected | System A |
Inquiry |
Supercomputing Section, IT Services Division, Information Management Department, Kyoto University
E-mail:consultkudpc.kyoto-u.ac.jp Inquiry Form |