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  4. About the provision of hosting service from FY2017



About the provision of hosting service from FY2017

publication date : Mar.22, 2017

We will announce the change of hosting service from FY2017.

We had provided the hosting service under the regulations for use of hosting webpage service using the general purpose computer system in ACCMS until now however we will start providing the hosting service in "Data center information service, IIMC" from FY2017.
Also we had updated the general purpose computer system in December,2016. And we will revise the content of the service and fee from FY2017.
We will prepare the following 3 as a hosting service.

 ・VM hosting service
 ・WEB hosting service
 ・Application container hosting service(New)

If the current users use this service continuously , we will regard them to agree with "The regulations of use and fee for Data center information service, IIMC" and "The regulations for the use of hosting service" and provide the service continuously.

For the procedure, we will announce in the user's mailing list.

 ※Regulations for the use of hosting service(http://www.iimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/services/whs/use/kiyaku.html

●VM hosting service

 Fee: Easy to use because the standard resource of VM is set small. 12,000yen/year with the standard use of 1 VM(CPU2 core, memory:4GB, Disk:100GB).

 The current fee is 72,000 yeb/year with the current standard resource(CPU2 core・Memory:8GB・Disk:200GB) however it will cost 21,000 yen/year from next FY.
 All the hypervisor will be VMware however extra fee is unnecessary.

 The content of service will be available as it is however the time to start using VM will be shortened due to the installation of the system which enables provisioning the VM with user's self service from new web portal screen. Also the function for booting,rebooting of suspending the VM from Web portal screen as well as the console function will be provided.

●WEB hosting service


 WAF(Web Application Firewall)function will be installed to detect and prevent the attack to Web site. Also tje occupied IP address of KUINS-Ⅱ assigned for the service will be changed to the shared IP address due to the installation of WAF function.
 If you request to use the occupied IP address as is, we have to charge you for the use of KUINS-Ⅱaddress as well as VM hosting service and application container hosting service.
 This change has to do with the change of KUINS-DB registeration users used to register by themselves. We will announce the details and procedures afterwards.

●Application container hosting service

 Fee: From 12,000 yen/year with one container(Disk:100GB.

 As a new service, we will provide the occupied containser environment with the container technology on the shared server. Mainly we assume that it will be used for releasing the Website however the freedom for adding account(used to be restricted in WEB hosting service), use of Shell, access to the file system will be moderated.
 Also, IIMC will manage the shared server which container is operated. And the management of server is not required as well as WEB hosting service.

The new service and the new function will be provided from FY2017. If you have any requests etc, please feel free to contact us.

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