- Information
- Event・Lectures
- 数値解析プログラミング入門(NAG編)
An introduction to Numerical Analysis programming(NAG)
publication date : Mar. 7, 2018
We will carry out the lecture and drill concerning Fortran Numeric Analysis program using numeric calculation libruary(NAG).
We will carry out the drill with Unix environment.
Please refer to the following WEB page for the basic use of Unix if you haven't used Unix in the past.
Basic knowledge of UNIX / Linux(http://web.kudpc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/manual/en/linux)
※Super computer is the candidate for Export Administration Regulations and taking lecture is also subject of the regulations of Foreign Exchange Control Law and relevant law. Please be aware of that. For the details, please check "the use of super computer for non-Japanese and those who live overseas.
About the use of super computer for non-Japanese and those who live overseas
* The lecture will be held only in Japanese.
Date | Jul. 6(Fri), 2018 from 10:30 to 16:00 |
Venue |
The North Building of the ACCMS, Kyoto Univ. http://www.iimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/pdf/accessmap_ACCMS_north_jp.pdf |
Application | Required |
Application Form | |
Application Period | 2018/06/06 10:00:00 ~ 2018/07/04 16:00:00 |
Capacity | 20 |
Sponsor | Research Support Division |
Inquiry |
TEL:075-753-7407 E-mail:comp-info ![]() Inquiry Form |
Program | (参考:昨年度の内容です) ・Fortranとは ・Fortranプログラムの基本(配列,Fortran Tip集,数値解析) ・誤差について ・実習(方程式の根を求める,台形則を用いて積分値を求める,ガウスの消去法により連立一次方程式の解を求める) ・数値計算ライブラリを利用する ・学術情報メディアセンターで利用可能なNAGライブラリ ・NAGライブラリエラーハンドリングについて ・実習(NAGライブラリサンプルを動かしてみる,ライブラリルーチンを利用して鶴亀算を行う) |