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  4. Guide for PC environment preparation for work from home

Guide for PC environment preparation for work from home

On occasion of work from home it is common to use a computer at home. In this guide we show the preparation process of the necessity PC environment for work from home and security points for its usage.

Computer for work from home

At work from home, principally, you should use the computer provided by Kyoto University.
About computer supply, ask the section being in your department/institute. Each department/institute has their methods.
It is possible to use your own PC when you use only webmail or online video conference systems.

Access to the Attendance Management System at work from home

To input your attendance in the Attendance Management System at work from home,

  • Setting for checking your one time password
  • Setting for VPN network connection

are required.
Details of settings are shown at Preparation.


The IIMC recommends you to finish preparations in advance for the sudden start of work from home. For the sake of this, at your office previously, check and set some settings on the PC, and after bringing it to home make a final confirmation from the network at your home. For settings on the PC for work from home, it is required beforehand to check using the PC at your office. Follow the below procedure.

  1. Check with a PC at your office
  2. Setting the PC for the work from home
  • One-Time Password
    The second authentication factor after password based authentication with SPS-ID
  • Authenticator
    The application for displaying the one-time password (app for the smartphone, extension for the PC)
  • Email address for notification
    The email address that is used for in the case not able to confirm the one-time password because the authenticator's broken or in the case to initialize it
  • VPN: Virtual Private Network
    The service makes it possible to access the in campus only system from the outside network such as at home
  • IKEv2: Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version 2
    One of VPN connections
  • VLAN fixed connection: Virtual Local Area Network fixed connection
    Access method for each lab's network
  • Client certificate
    The personal certificate required for VPN usage

1. Check with a PC at your office

Firstly, it is necessary to check your account status by using the PC at your office.

Step 1 is unnecessary for those who obtain in general the one-time password by using an authenticator for a smartphone.Skip step 1, and perform steps 2 and 3.

  1. Set the one-time password to your smartphone
    ⇒See Multi-Factor Authentication Setup Manual Supplement 2.

  2. Check a valid email address is registered as the email address notification
    ⇒See Set up Notification Mail Address.

  3. Confirm your SPS-ID and password
    ⇒Those who make your browser to memorize your ID and password for logging in, must check if it is possible to login by manual input.

2. Setting the PC for the work from home

Next, set your PC for work from home.

At step 2 "Setting VPN", it is absolutely necessary to obtain the client certificate. See the link below.

  1. Confirm to login into the faculty and staff groupware with your SPS-ID and one-time password
    ⇒Log in via '2. Access' on the 'Faculty and Staff Groupware' page of IIMC's website.

  2. Apply client certificate and set up VPN
    ⇒See IKEv2.

  3. Confirm to be able to access at home the Attendance Management System and to see the punching screen
    ⇒Keep turning on VPN connection (set up by step 2) and access the Attendance Management System.

【Available services for work from home】

Prepare documents and materials supposed to be used while working from home.
It makes your work easier by copying in advance only the necessary files saved in each administration office's server and saving into a storage where you can access from off campus.
For that task, these services would help you.

TypeServiceAccess from off-campus
email KUMail
storage KUMail storage
Google Drive
online meeting Google Meet
chat Google Chat

Cautions for work from home

  • Be aware of the risk of working from home that means taking the campus information out.
  • Do not carry a USB flash drive/SD card in which sensitive documents or tables data are stored. (Among recent information security incidents, loss of these has occurred frequently.)
  • SPS-ID is required when you access the system on campus from off campus. Check your password is set properly according to the guideline. ⇒ Password guideline
  • Read the PDF Notice about information security for working from home. (Written in Japanese. To read it, the authentication by SPS-ID/ECS-ID is required.)


  • It is permitted to use a private PC, only for using webmail and online conferencing systems.
  • Each system within the staff portal has its own section in charge. It is possible to check the section in charge with a magnifying glass icon appearing in the upper right of the name of the system.

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