【注意喚起】 helpdesk@kyoto-u.ac.jp からの迷惑(フィッシング)メールには返答および記載の操作は危険です
(English version below)
現在,確認しているメールの表題(Subject)はDear kyoto-u.ac.jp Account Userとなっていますが,今後,送付元アドレスや表題が変更される恐れもあります.
Notice of fraudulent email activity
The Information Security Management Office (ISMO) has been notified
that some staff members and students of Kyoto University (KU) have received
the fraudulent (phishing) email for collecting the account information.
(An example message is attached following this notification.)
ISMO urges the KU staff members and students to ignore and immediately
delete the fraudulent email message. DO NOT REPLY to the message. ISMO
or any other KU information service organizations will not request the
passwords over the email.
If any KU staff member or student has responded to the fraudulent email,
the person must immediately report to the departmental information
security administrator, and change the password.
Contact i-s-office@iimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp for the further details.
Subject: Dear kyoto-u.ac.jp Account User Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2010 14:34:18 +0100 (CET) From: Kyoto University <helpdesk@kyoto-u.ac.jp> Reply-To: xxxxxx.xxxxxxx@gmail.com To: undisclosed-recipients:; Dear kyoto-u.ac.jp Account User, There will be an upgrade in our system between 09th of December to 30th December, 2010. Due to the anonymous registration of kyoto-u.ac.jp accounts and number of Dormant accounts, we will be running this upgrade to determine the exact Number of subscribers we have at present. You are instructed to login to your www.kyoto-u.ac.jp email account to verify if your account is still valid and send immediately the following: Login Name :................................( Compulsory) Password :...................................( Compulsory) Date of Birth :..............................( Optional) State :........................................(Optional) Before sending your account details to us, you are advised to Login Into this Link below: https://tinu.xxxxx.kyoto-u.ac.jp/src/login.php https://tinu.xxxxx.kyoto-u.ac.jp/src/login.php?rims_redirect=usage Note that if your account do Login, send us the details or otherwise it means it has been deleted. Sorry for the inconvenience this might cause you we are only trying to make sure you don't lose information’s in your accounts. All you have to do is Click Reply and supply the information above; your account will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. Thanks for your attention to this request. Once again we apologize for any inconveniences. Warning!!! Account users that refuse to update their account after 5 Days of receiving this warning, user will lose his/her account permanently. 2010?kyoto-u.ac.jp Email Account (https://tinu.xxxxx.kyoto-u.ac.jp/src/login.php) https://tinu.xxxxx.kyoto-u.ac.jp/src/login.php?rims_redirect=usage
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