2. Information
  3. Current Trouble
  4. Currently, Kyoto University Mail for Faculty and Staff (KUMail) is unavailable by mail software


Current Trouble

Currently, Kyoto University Mail for Faculty and Staff (KUMail) is unavailable by mail software

publication date : Mar.20, 2015

The work of the server setting change for KUMail was finished on schedule today,
however, KUMail is unavailable by mail software due to some troubles.
We are troubleshooting now.

We apologize for the inconvenience and trouble that you may have.

However, the use of KUMail on the web is available.

Please use it from the following websites.

URL of Faculty and Staff Groupware https://www.tam2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp/portal/

Direct access URL of KUMail https://mail.iimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/

The system was restored. We apologize for the inconvenience and trouble that you may have had.
Date of occurrence 2015/03/20 13:00 ~2015/03/20 17:00
Inquiry TEL:075-753-7842
Inquiry Form

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