- Information
- Security Alert
- OS X Server v5.0.3 covers several vulnerabilities
Security Alert
OS X Server v5.0.3 covers several vulnerabilities
publication date : Sep.17, 2015
Apple Inc, published the information that OS X Server v5.0.3, published on September 16, local time, handled the several vulnerabilities.
■ Candidate
- OS X Yosemite v10.10.4 or later
Update it.
Please update it to the latest version refering to the information provided by deleloper.
■Related Information
Apple Inc.
About the security content of OS X Server v5.0.3
Inquiry |
Information Security Management Office , Kyoto University
TEL:075-753-7490(7490) E-mail:i-s-officeiimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp Inquiry Form |