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Directions to Yoshida Campus

IIMC is located on the Yoshida Campus. Please refer to the next page for access to the Yoshida Campus.

Directions | Kyoto University

Directions to IIMC

IIMC is divided into two buildings, North and South Buildings of the Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies (ACCMS). Please be sure to check the location of the two buildings before you visit.

Directions to the North Building of the ACCMS (Main Campus)

Main facilities in the North Building of the ACCMS

  • The Output Room of Large-Format Printer
  • Administrative Offices

How to get to the North Building of the ACCMS


Directions to the South Building of the ACCMS (Yoshida South Campus)

Main facilities in the South Building of the ACCMS

  • Open Space Laboratory (OSL)
  • Learning Commons
  • Call Classrooms
  • Multimedia Lecture Halls
  • Multimedia Laboratories
  • IIMC ICT Support Center
  • Administrative Offices

How to get to the South Building of the ACCMS

Traffic guide to the South Building


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