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Beginner's Guide for Part-time Lecturers and Others

Kyoto University provides a variety of IT systems and services that part-time lecturers and Others (Special Research Fellow, Emeritus professorcan, etc.) use for their educational activities at the University.
This section introduces the basic flow of using the university's IT systems and services for new members of the university.
※For more information on who is eligible for 'part-time lecturers and others', please see '2. Other than students' in the ECS-ID Eligibility section.

Activate Your Account

Please prepare the "Account (ECS-ID) Activation Notice" and follow the steps below to activate your account.
If you need to use ECS-ID but have not received the activation notice, please contact the educational affairs section of your faculty or graduate school.

Activation Procedure

  1. Access the activation site

  2. Enter "ECS-ID" for ID and "Activation Key" for activation key, and click "Login" button.

    Activation Key is only used to log in to the activation site. It is not a password.
  3. Enter your password.

    The password you set here will be used for various systems and services in the future. Make sure you do not forget it.
    Password Guideline for Users of Kyoto University Campus-wide Accounts (PDF)
  4. Enter the forwarding e-mail address.

  5. Check the "Check box" after confirming the rules of use.

  6. Click the "Execute" button to activate your account.

  7. Click the "Logout" button to log out of your account.
    If you see the above message, click the "Logout" button.

    Messages other than the above will result in an error. Please check the message and correct it by clicking on the 'Back' button.

This completes the activation.
In the future, when you are asked to authenticate using your university-wide account (ECS-ID) for various services applied by Kyoto University, please use the password you set here.

Take Information Security e-Learning

It is required that all Kyoto University Students , Faculty-members and Staff take every fiscal year the lecture called "Information Security e-Learning". Please be sure to take Final Test after learning. Please take the course as soon as possible after activating your account.

Connecting to the Network

You can connect to the Internet through the KUINS network on campus at Kyoto University. In open areas such as classrooms and meeting rooms, a wireless LAN called KUINS-Air is available. In addition, a VPN service is available for those who wish to connect to the university network from off-campus via the Internet.

Using campus-wide e-mail, PandA, and KULASIS

By using the ECS-ID above, the following services are available.

  • You can use the KUMOI Mail (KUMOI) to send and receive e-mails.

  • KULASIS can be used to register and check teaching information (class cancellations, class changes, reports).

  • PandA is available for sharing materials with students and submitting/receiving assignments via the Internet.

Using e-journals and databases

Electronic resources such as e-journals and databases essential for research and educational activities are available. For more information on how to access these resources, please refer to Kyoto University Library Network website.

Find the IT system or service you want to use

Kyoto University provides many other IT systems and services that are useful for educational activities at Kyoto University.
Please refer to the "Services" page for a list of services provided by the Organization for Information Environment.

If you have any questions about using our IT systems and services, please contact us from the "Contact Us" page.


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