- Information
- Security Alert
- 【Caution】夏季の長期休暇における情報セキュリティ対策について / About information security measure during the summer break
Security Alert
【Caution】夏季の長期休暇における情報セキュリティ対策について / About information security measure during the summer break
publication date : Aug. 5, 2019
The system managers will be absent during the summer break.There might be the vase that the damages will be expanded due to the delay of measure in having incidents such as cyber attack etc during then. Please read the related information and carry out the information security measure of your server and PC.
Also, please reconfirm the system in order to manage the incidents even if there is no system manager. In case the damages occurred, please contact immediately based on "Communication Guidelines regarding Unauthorized Access".
なお,マイクロソフト社の 月例セキュリティ修正プログラムの公開が現地時間の8月13日に予定されています.休暇明けには速やかにセキュリティアップデートを適用いただくようお願いします.
In addition, Microsoft's monthly security update program is scheduled to be released on 13th August local time. Please apply security update as soon as possible after vacation.
IPA(Japanese version only)
京都大学情報環境機構/Institute for Information Management and Communication,Kyoto University
コンピュータ不正アクセス対応連絡要領 (学内限定) / Communication Guidelines regarding Unauthorized Access (Limited on-Campus)
Inquiry |
Information Security Management Office , Kyoto University
TEL:075-753-7490(7490) E-mail:i-s-officeiimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp Inquiry Form |