- Information
- Security Alert
- 【Caution】 Information Security Measure before strings of holidays (golden week)
Security Alert
【Caution】 Information Security Measure before strings of holidays (golden week)
publication date : Apr.24, 2017
The system managers will be absent during the golden week holidays.There might be the vase that the damages will be expanded due to the delay of measure in having incidents such as cyber attack etc during then. Please read the related information and carry out the information security measure of your server and PC.
Also, please reconfirm the system in order to manage the incidents even if there is no system manager. In case the damages occurred, please contact immediately based on "Rules for contacting to manage the computer unauthorized access ".
Reference information:
長期休暇に備えて 2017/04
コンピュータ不正アクセス対応連絡要領 (学内限定)
Inquiry |
Information Security Management Office , Kyoto University
TEL:075-753-7490(7490) E-mail:i-s-officeiimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp Inquiry Form |