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【スパコン】Notification of the Software Update

publication date : Sep.16, 2020


  1. ソフトウェアの新バージョン導入
  2. ISVの旧バージョンの非推奨化につきまして
  3. 投入可能なジョブ数の上限変更について


The Supercomputer Systems have been updated upon the completion of the maintenance work started on September 13, 2020.

This update includes the followings:

  1. New Versions of the Software
  2. Former versions of ISV softwares are not recommended
  3. Change of the upper limit of the number of jobs that can be submitted

1. ソフトウェアの新バージョン導入 / New Versions of the Software




Those listed below are the new versions of the software installed after the last maintenance.

For details on how to use each software, visit the following webpages:

New Version
システムA / System A
Intel Compiler intel/
PGI Compiler 20.4.0 pgi/20.4.0
システムB,C / System B,C
Intel Compiler intel/
PGI Compiler 20.4.0 pgi/20.4.0
Nvidia HPC Compilers 20.7.0 nvhpc/20.7.0
Intel MPI 2019.8 impi/2019.8
LS-DYNA R12.0.0 ls-dyna/ls971-12.0.0
Marc 2020 marc/2020
Mathematica 12.1.1 mathematica/12.1.1
Adams 2020.1 adams/2020.1
Nastran 201200 nastran/201200
Tecplot360 2020R1 tecplot360/2020R1
ANSYS 2020R2 ansys/v202
MATLAB R2020a matlab/R2020a

2. ISVソフトの過去バージョンの非推奨化につきまして /Former versions of ISV softwares are not recommended

ベンダのライセンスポリシーの変更に伴い,Maple および ENVI/IDL の過去バージョンについて,下記の取り扱いとさせて頂きます.


サポートされるバージョンが過去3バージョンまでとなったため,現在提供しているバージョンのうち,2016,2017,2018を 非推奨とさせて頂きます.


サポートされるバージョンが過去3バージョンまでとなったため,ENVI/バージョン55 および IDL/バージョン87 を非推奨とさせて頂きます.



Due to changes in the vendor's license policy, the former versions of Maple and ENVI / IDL will be handled as follows.


Since only the last 3 versions are supported, we will not recommend version 2016, 2017, and 2018 among the currently provided versions.
These versions will be terminated at the end of March 2021.


Since only the last 3 versions are supported, we will not recommend ENVI / version 55 and IDL / version 87.
These versions will be terminated at the end of March 2021.

If you are using these versions, please switch to the supported versions.

3. 投入可能なジョブ数の上限変更について/Change of the upper limit of the number of jobs that can be submitted

これまで,1つのキューあたり10,000本までのジョブの投入を許可する設定となっておりましたが, 実行待ち状態のジョブ数が過剰になることで,ジョブスケジューラの応答が顕著に悪化する不具合が確認されたため, 今回の保守でジョブの投入上限値を1,000本に変更いたしました.



It was set that up to 10,000 jobs are allowed to be submitted per queue until now. However, it was confirmed that the response of the job scheduler slowed down significantly due to the excessive number of jobs waiting to be executed. With this maintenance, the upper limit of the job submission has been changed to 1,000 jobs.

We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank for your understanding.

Inquiry Supercomputing Section, IT Services Division, Information Management Department, Kyoto University
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