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  4. To students who graduate or leave from Kyoto University in March



To students who graduate or leave from Kyoto University in March

publication date : Jan.31, 2020

This mail is for those who leave Kyoto University this FY, please read this through.

You can't use your ECS-ID and KUMOI (Student e-mail) address after leaving.

(1) Backup necessary files

Please backup the necessary files saved on cloud storage or PC terminals of educational computer system to your private PC etc.
Files on PC terminals of educational computer system should be saved to USB memory by logging in to PC Terminals and backup the file to your own PC terminals etc via cloud storage.
Also please be noted that you and those whom you share can't access to the files shared in cloud storage.
Please clear the shared files in advance if needed.

Cloud Storage:

(2) Backup necessary e-mails

There are two ways of backup as follows.
- Using mail software
- Import your emails to Gmail or Hotmail
Please refer to the following FAQ.

(3) E-mail forwarding for KUMOI

E-mails sent to KUMOI will be forwarded for about three months (until the end of June) after your account is suspended if you carried our the forwarding setting.
Please access to the following for forwarding setting. ().
All-University management of Kyoto University>Changing password・Changing the forwarding setting for KUMOI

(4) Lifelong email address

We are providing lifelong mail address to regular students.
Inquiry: http://hp.alumni.kyoto-u.ac.jp/kuon_alumni/

(5) Notice of your new email address

Please inform the people concerned of your new e-mail address.

※The information of handling of ECS-ID is below.

Inquiry ICT Support Center
Inquiry Form

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