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  4. 【スパコン】年度末保守でのソフトウェアアップデートのお知らせ / Notification of the Software Update



【スパコン】年度末保守でのソフトウェアアップデートのお知らせ / Notification of the Software Update

publication date : Apr. 2, 2015



  1. ソフトウェアの新バージョン導入
  2. module環境設定時のデフォルトバージョンの変更
  3. MPIライブラリデフォルトバージョン変更に伴う注意事項 (システムE)


The Supercomputer Systems have been updated upon the completion of the year-end maintenance work started on March 27, 2015.

This update includes the followings:

  1. New Versions of the Software
  2. Changes in Default Versions When Configuring Modules
  3. Important Note in Response to Changes in Default Versions of MPI Library (System E)

1. ソフトウェアの新バージョン導入 / New Versions of the Software




Those listed below are the new versions of the software installed during the maintenance.

For details on how to use each software, visit the following webpages:

New Version
システムA / System A
Intel compiler 14.0.5 intel/14.0.5
15.0.2 intel/15.0.2
PGI compiler 14.10 pgi/14.10
15.3 pgi/15.3
Intel MKL library 11.1.5 mkl/11.1.5
11.2.2 mkl/11.2.2
Totalview 8.15.0 xt-totalview/8.15.0
システムB,C / System B,C
Intel compiler 14.0.5 intel/14.0.5
15.0.2 intel/15.0.2
PGI compiler 14.10 pgi/14.10
15.3 pgi/15.3
CUDA compiler 6.5.14 cuda/6.5.14
Intel MPI library 5.0.3 impi/5.0.3
Intel MKL library 11.1.5 mkl/11.1.5
11.2.2 mkl/11.2.2
IMSL library 7.1 fnl710-intel
tecplot 2015 R1 tecplot360/2015R1
Mathematica 10.0.2 mathematica/10.0.1
MATLAB 2015a matlab/R2015a
LS-DYNA R8.0.0 ls-dyna/ls971-8.0.0
ANSYS 16.0 ansys/v160
Totalview 8.15.0 totalview/8.15.0
システムD / System D
Cray compiler 8.3.9 cce/8.3.9
Intel compiler 14.0.5 intel/14.0.5
15.0.2 intel/15.0.2
PGI compiler 14.10 pgi/14.10
15.3 pgi/15.3
Cray MPI library 7.1.3 cray-mpich/7.1.3
Cray LibSci library 13.0.3 cray-libsci/13.0.3
Intel MKL library 11.1.5 mkl/11.1.5
11.2.2 mkl/11.2.2
IMSL library 7.1 fnl710-intel
adams 2014 adams/2014.1
AVS 8.2 avs/8.2
ENVI 5.2 envi/52
IDL 8.4 idl/84
tecplot 2013 R1 tecplot360/2013R1
Maple 18 maple/18
Marc 2014 marc/2014
Marc Mentat 2014 marc_mentat/2014
Mathematica 10.0.2 mathematica/10.0.2
MATLAB 2015a matlab/R2015a
MSC Nastran 2014 nastran/20140
LS-DYNA R8.0.0 ls-dyna/ls971-8.0.0
ANSYS 14.5 ansys/v145
Totalview 8.15.0 xt-totalview/8.15.0
システムE / System E
Cray compiler 8.3.9 cce/8.3.9
Intel compiler 14.0.5 intel/14.0.5
15.0.2 intel/15.0.2
Cray MPI library 7.1.3 cray-mpich/7.1.3
Cray LibSci library 13.0.3 cray-libsci/13.0.3
Intel MKL library 11.1.5 mkl/11.1.5
11.2.2 mkl/11.2.2
Totalview 8.15.0 xt-totalview/8.15.0


*The previous versions are no longer available in response to the newly-released latest version of the licenses in the systems.

2. module環境設定時のデフォルトバージョンの変更 / Changes in Default Versions When Configuring Modules


moduleファイル名のスラッシュ(/)とバージョンを省略してロードすると,デフォルトのバージョンが読み込まれます. デフォルト以外のバージョンを利用したい場合は,スラッシュとバージョン番号を明記してロードしてください.



Those listed below are the default versions when configuring using the module command.

If you load without using the slash (/) and the version number of module files, the default version will be set. Also, if you use the software version besides default, specify the slash and the version number when loading.

For details on the configuration using Modules, visit the following webpages:

Default Version (Available as of Apr. 2, 2015)
Default Version (Previously Available)
システムA / System A
PGI compiler pgi/15.3 pgi/13.10
Totalview xt-totalview/8.15.0 xt-totalview/8.13.0
システムB,C / System B,C
PGI compiler pgi/15.3 pgi/13.10
CUDA compiler cuda/6.5.14 cuda/5.5.22
IMSL library imsl/fnl710-intel imsl/fnl701-intel
adams adams/2014.1 adams/2013
AVS avs/8.2 avs/8.1
ENVI envi/52 envi/50sp2
IDL idl/84 idl/82sp2
LS-DYNA ls-dyna/ls971-8.0.0 ls-dyna/ls971-7.0.0
tecplot tecplot360/2015R1 tecplot360/2013R1
Maple maple/18 maple/17
Mathematica mathematica/10.0.2 mathematica/9.0.1
MSC Nastran nastran/20140 nastran/20131
Marc/Marc Mentat marc/2014 marc/2013
marc_mentat/2014 marc_mentat/2013
Patran patran/2014 patran/2013
ANSYS ansys/v160 ansys/v150
Totalview totalview/8.15.0 totalview/8.13.0
システムD / System D
Cray compiler cce/8.3.9 cce/8.3.0
Intel compiler intel/14.0.5 intel/14.0.3
PGI compiler pgi/15.3 pgi/14.3
Cray MPI library cray-mpich/7.1.3 cray-mpich/7.0.0
Cray LibSci library cray-libsci/13.0.3 cray-libsci/13.0.0
Intel MKL library mkl/11.1.5 mkl/11.1.3
IMSL library imsl/fnl710-cce imsl/fnl701-intel
AVS avs/8.2 avs/8.1
ENVI envi/52 envi/51
IDL idl/84 idl/83
tecplot tecplot360/2015R1 tecplot360/2013R1
Maple maple/18 maple/17
Mathematica mathematica/10.0.2 mathematica/9.0.1/td>
MATLAB matlab/R2015a matlab/R2014a
MSC Nastran nastran/20140 nastran/20131
Adams adams/2014.1 adams/2013.2
Marc/Marc Mentat marc/2014 marc/2013.1
marc_mentat/2014 marc_mentat/2013.1
LS-DYNA ls-dyna/ls971-8.0.0 ls-dyna/ls971-7.0.0
ANSYS ansys/v160 ansys/v150
Totalview xt-totalview/8.15.0 xt-totalview/8.13.0
システムE / System E
Cray compiler cce/8.3.9 cce/8.2.5
Intel compiler intel/14.0.5 intel/14.0.3
Cray MPI library cray-mpich/7.1.3 cray-mpich/6.3.0
Cray LibSci library cray-libsci/13.0.3 cray-libsci/12.2.0
Intel MKL library mkl/11.1.5 mkl/11.1.2
Totalview xt-totalview/8.15.0 xt-totalview/8.13.0

3. MPIライブラリデフォルトバージョン変更に伴う注意事項 (システムE)/ Important Note in Response to Changes in Default Versions of MPI Library (System E)



Upon completion of the year-end maintenance work, the default version of MPI Library for the System E has been updated to the version 7.1.3. Accordingly, re-compilation of the program is required due to incompatibility between the series of version 7 and 6.

Inquiry Supercomputing Section, IT Services Division, Information Management Department, Kyoto University
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