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  4. KUMOI _Usage

Email FAQ

KUMOI _Usage

I want to use KUMOI from e-mail software.

You can use from e-mail software, but we do not support the use of KUMOI from e-mail software. You should configure your e-mail software by yourself. Please refer to the following URL for the settings of your e-mail software.


We provide an example of configuration in some e-mail software as follows.

Windows Thunderbird 11: o365mailsoft.pdf(japanese)

In the above example, we explain the use of KUMOI by IMAP. In general, e-mail software does not store your e-mails in your PC when using IMAP. If you want to store them, you need another configuration in your e-mail software. The configuration may be found by searching webpages with keywords of "[your e-mail software] imap backup" or others.


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