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  4. Connection to Off-campus Network Services

Networks and Connectivity FAQ

Connection to Off-campus Network Services

Unconnectable to the off-campus SSH server excluding the port No.22

The port numbers for off-campus connections are restricted.
Cannot directly connect to special port numbers other than 22.

In that case, please connect relaying SSH portforward mentioned below.

For example, if you want to connect

  • Host: server.example.net
  • Port: 8022
  • User: username

Please enter your own ID to [ECS-ID/SPS-ID] and enter ssh -J [ECS-ID/SPS-ID]@forward.kuins.kyoto-u.ac.jp -p 8022 username@server.example.net
Also, if you want to use SFTP, display your option name sftp -oProxyJump=[ECS-ID/SPS-ID]@forward.kuins.kyoto-u.ac.jp -oPort=8022 username@server.example.net


  • After publickey authentication of ECS-ID/SPS-ID, you can use off-campus SSH server authentication.
  • With this connection, it will be connected from SSH portforward. Please delete the restriction in off-campus SSH server.
    IP address of SSH portforward will be succeeded to the new one in renewal of the system.If we have to change the IP address, we will announce in this website.

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