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Email FAQ

KUMail(Kyoto University Mail for Faculty and Staff)

Is it possible to reuse or resend sent messages?

Gmail doesn't have a direct way to reuse or resend sent messages. However, there are three alternative ways to make it possible:

1. Forwarding

The simplest way is to just forward the message, change "To" address accordingly, and delete the marking (---------- Forwarded message ---------).

2. Canned Responses (Templates)

Canned Responses make it possible to insert a set of sentences you use frequently. For details, please refer to the page linked below:

How to Set Up Canned Responses in Gmail (external link)

3. Create a message by clicking a URL link

You can also make use of a special URL to quickly compose your message. For details, please refer to the link below:

Instantly Compose New Emails in Gmail With This Bookmark Trick (external link)

4. Use 再送信メール作成機能 by Sateraito Office (Update: 2020/11/13)
The following extensions are now available for a fee (Update: 2022/04/20)

This third-party Chrome extension enables you to reuse your sent messages. Read their terms of use carefully before you install it.


When you reuse a message that includes your account in Cc, your signature may duplicate.

Your KUMail address is chosen as a sender (From) address by default.

We don't support this software or guarantee its security. Please use it at your own risk.

*If we find another way to do the same thing, we will update this page as soon as possible.


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