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Email FAQ

KUMOI _Usage

A message "You are not allowed to send an e-mail from this mailbox" appears when sending an e-mail.

This message appears when "From" in an e-mail is not your e-mail address. Clear "From" fields, click "From" on the left and choose your e-mail address.

If this message appears every time you send an e-mail, an add-on in your browser may be affected. You should disable add-ons that causes the problem.

  • Example) Internet Explorer 11 (IE11)
    • 1. Click [Tools] - [Manage Add-Ons] on the upper menu or a gear wheel icon and choose [Manage Add-Ons]
    • 2. You see a list of add-ons installed. Select add-ons enabled and click [Disable] one by one. Some add-ons requires to restart the browser for disabling.
    • 3. Re-create a new e-mail, and confirm that you can send the e-mail.
    • 4. Repeat the above procedure and disable add-ons that affect to send an e-mail.

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