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  3. Current Trouble
  4. [PandA] User cannot upload file to Kaltura server


Current Trouble

[PandA] User cannot upload file to Kaltura server

publication date : May.17, 2020

5/14頃より、Kalturaでアップロードできない障害が発生しています。Since May 14, we have been experiencing a problem that Users can not upload files to Kaltura.

教職員各位 Dear Faculty and Staff

Kaltura側のアップロードサーバの障害によるものと思われます。(PandA側のデータベース障害とは独立して発生しています)This may be due to a failure of the upload server on the Kaltura side. (It occurs independently of the database failure on the PandA )

メーカ―側に繰り返し状況を報告・確認していますが、現時点においても有効な回答を得られない状態です.We have referred the situation to Kaltura service vendor, but we still not received a solution.

状況解消に向け引き続き、調査の継続を依頼している状況です。We continue to request that the investigation.

ご不便ご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ありません。We are very soory.

The system was restored. We apologize for the inconvenience and trouble that you may have had.
Date of occurrence 2020/05/14 00:00 ~2020/05/18 15:00
Inquiry Learning Support System

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