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  4. Opera に複数の脆弱性


Security Alert

Opera に複数の脆弱性

publication date : Mar.30, 2012

Opera Software ASA. は ウェブブラウザ Opera に複数の脆弱性が存在すると発表しました.

- Opera 11.62 より前のバージョン


Opera Software ASA : Opera のダウンロード

Opera Software ASA.
Opera 11.62 for Windows changelog
Opera 11.62 for Mac changelog
Opera 11.62 for UNIX changelog
Advisory: Web page content may overlap the address field
Advisory: Small windows can be used to trick users into executing downloads
Advisory: Overlapping content can trick users into executing downloads
Advisory: History.state can leak the state data from cross domain pages
Advisory: Web page dialogs can be used to to display the wrong address in the address field
Advisory: Carefully timed reloads and redirects can spoof the address field
Advisory: Printing issue can allow data leaks to other system users, or allow them to corrupt data

Inquiry 京都大学 情報部 情報基盤課 情報セキュリティ対策室

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