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Email Hosting

Designed for StudentsFacultyStaff

This service forwards e-mails received at the department's e-mail address to a pre-registered e-mail address.

However, this service does not have a mail spool, so you must have a mail spool at the address you set for the forwarding destination.
Faculty and staff can use KUMail (Gmail) for sending email, and students can use an authenticated email sending server (smtp.mhs.iimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp).


  • Two types of forwarding functions: regular forwarding and ML (mailing list)
  • Transfers can be performed by simply setting the source and destination addresses (normal transfer)
  • Forwarding function using software called Mailman, which allows you to send e-mail to multiple addresses registered as members (ML)

1. Requirements & Rules

Before applying for new use

  • New users of the university-wide mail hosting service are limited to domains that are using mail on their own independently operated and managed mail servers. We do not accept domains that are not currently using mail.
  • To start using the university-wide mail hosting service, you will need to set up your domain. Please note that it takes about 2 weeks to start the service.

The Organization for Information Environment provides a secondary group address ( @mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp ) in the faculty/staff groupware.
Please consider using this option, as it does not require domain setup, etc., and can be activated within 3 hours of application.

For more information, please log in to Faculty/Staff Groupware and see the manual below.

「Cabinet(Root)」> 「Manuals for the groupware (Garoon)」>「User Manuals (English)」>「Manual_10_Search for Staff」

Eligibility for Use and Restrictions, etc.

Please refer to全学メールホスティングサービス利用ガイドライン(PDF)for eligibility requirements, etc.

Subject of use

Only e-mail addresses of departments, etc. are accepted. Specifically, it must be a subdomain or sub-subdomain under kyoto-u.ac.jp.

Example: @bukyoku.kyoto-u.ac.jp 、@sub.bukyoku.kyoto-u.ac.jp

※The permission of the domain administrator is required when configuring DNS settings.

Person responsible for making use of

The administrator of the use of this service in the relevant department, etc. Only faculty members of the relevant department are eligible to use this service.

※SPS-ID is required to log in to the management screen.

Term of Use

The period is from the date of approval to March 31 of the relevant fiscal year. However, if the person responsible for use does not request suspension of use by the end of February, the program will be renewed for one year.

If you wish to discontinue use, please send us a discontinuance request.


2. Access Mail Hosting

※Log in to the administration screen with your SPS-ID (or ECS-ID for transfer administrators) and password.

3. Get Started

New User Application

Please apply using the application form below from the person responsible for use.


※Once approved by the Information Environment Organization, an approval letter and configuration information will be sent to the person responsible for the use of the system via e-mail.
※Only domains that are currently using mail on a mail server that is operated and managed independently are accepted. We do not accept domains that are not currently being used for email.

Start of use

Once you receive the approval letter from the Information Environment Organization, Please refer 「全学メールホスティングサービス機能・操作説明書」And set up Mail Hosting Service.

4. How to Use



5. FAQs

Please see below for FAQs.

6. Change of User Responsible Person

Application to change the person responsible for use

When changing the person responsible for use, please send the following information by e-mail from the current person responsible for use.

・domain name
・Information of the person responsible for use before the change (name, university-wide e-mail address)
・Information of the person responsible for use after the change (name, university-wide e-mail address, affiliation, telephone number, SPS-ID)

To: kumail-qa*mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (Replace '*' with '@'.)

7. Cancellation

Application for Suspension of Use

When you stop using the service, please send us the following information by e-mail.

・domain name
・Information of the person responsible for use before the change (name, university-wide e-mail address)

To: kumail-qa*mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (Replace '*' with '@'.)

8. Inquiries

If the FAQs do not solve your problem, please contact us using the Inquiries
※Please select KUMail (Kyoto University Mail for faculty and staff) as the inquiry type.


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