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  4. KUMail(Kyoto University Mail for Faculty and Staff)

Email FAQ

KUMail(Kyoto University Mail for Faculty and Staff)

When I tried to sign in to Google, I got the message, "There are two existing accounts for kyoto-u.ac.jp."

At Kyoto University, we have two domains to maintain KUMail and the groupware system: kyoto-u.ac.jp and mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp.

If you already sign up for Google services for general users, like YouTube and Google Calendar, with an email address under those domains, there are two conflicting accounts for our campus Google Workspace and personal Google services with the exact same address.

In such cases, when you try to sign in to your personal Gmail, you will be required to deal with the conflict. See this manual (available only in Japanese) or this article on Google Workspace Admin Help for instructions.

When you have trouble resolving the conflict

Update: 2019/02/21

When you try to get rid of a conflicting account, you may be stuck in the middle, only to see the Shibboleth authentication screen. In that case, follow the steps below.

1. Open a browser on which you've never signed in to KUMail. When you usually use IE, for example, try Firefox or Chrome to avoid being redirected to Shibboleth. If you don't have any other browser, delete cookies on your browser.

2. Go to https://www.google.com/gmail/ (Gmail for general users).

3. When you are asked to enter your email address, type in your KUMail address. After that, follow the manual above.


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