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KUMOI _Usage

I cannot attach files in KUMOI when using by Google Chrome.

Problem: When using KUMOI by Google Chrome, the browser do not respond to the button [Select files].

This problem may occur when Silverlight (A web browser plugin) is not enabled in Google Chrome.
To enable Silverlight in Google Chrome, please refer to the following.

  • 1. Start Google Chrome, expand the list of menu on the upper-right, and open "Configuration"
  • 2. Click "Details" in the bottom of configuration window, and choose "Configuration of contents" in "Privacy" area.
  • 3. Confirm that [Execute Automatically (Recommended)] in the [Plugin] item is enabled in the contents configuration window.
  • 4. Next, click [Disable Plugins] in the [Plugin] item.
  • 5. A list of plugins available in Google Chrome is shown. Please confirm that "Silverlight" is enabled. If not enabled, click "Enable."
    If "Silverlight" is not included in the list of plugins, download and install from the following URLs.
    [Get Silverlight] http://www.microsoft.com/getsilverlight/get-started/install/default.aspx

  • 6. Restart Google Chrome, and access KUMOI again.

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